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/ Review of International Studies
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Osborn, Ronald
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/ Review of International Studies
Osiander, Andreas
/ 1998
/ Rereading Early Twentieth-Century IR Theory:Idealism Revisited
/ International Studies Quarterly
Owens, Patricia
/ 2007
/ Beyond Strauss, lies, and the war in Iraq:Hannah Arendt's critique of neoconservatism
/ Review of International Studies
Porter, Brian
/ 1989
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/ GSG & Associates
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Schmidt, Brian C.
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/ The Bush Doctrine and the Iraq War:Neoconservatives versus Realists
/ Security Studies
Scott, Peter D.
/ 2007
/ The Road to 9/11:Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America
/ University of California Press
Shimko, Keith L.
/ 1992
/ Realism, Neorealism, and American Liberalism
/ Review of Politics
Smith, Steve
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/ Penguin Books
Wæver, Ole
/ 1998
/ The Sociology of a Not So international Discipline:American and European Developments in International Relations
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/ 1948
/ Politics as a Vocation, in: From Max Weber:Essays in Sociology
/ Routledge
Wendt, Alexander
/ 1999
/ Social Theory of International Politics
/ Cambridge University Press
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/ Routledge
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/ Political Theory
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