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2010, Vol.17, No.2

Political propensities in the RussianFar East and Siberia
강혜련 , Park, Jae-wook | 2010, 17(2) | pp.1~22 | number of Cited : 0
East-Sea Rim as A Research Regionin Area Studies
KWON Se Eun | 2010, 17(2) | pp.23~38 | number of Cited : 4
Dealing with the past in Czech and Slovakia - focusing on the re-interpretation of 'lustration' -
Shin Kyu Kim | 2010, 17(2) | pp.39~60 | number of Cited : 6
The regional integration process between Northwest Russia and European Union -focusing on the experience of the Hanseatic Leaguein the Baltic Sea region-
Kim, Young Sool | 2010, 17(2) | pp.61~81 | number of Cited : 2
Study on China's Military Diplomacyin the Korean Peninsula: Definition, Strategy and Features
김태현 | 2010, 17(2) | pp.83~102 | number of Cited : 4
An analysis on the relationship between the environmental regulation and the export specialization pattern in renewable energy industry
BONGSUK SUNG | 2010, 17(2) | pp.103~125 | number of Cited : 7
International Relations as an American Social Science and Academic Freedom: A Need for an Expansion of Research Programmes and the Discussion of Taboo Subjects in International Relations
Yang Chun Hee | 2010, 17(2) | pp.127~148 | number of Cited : 2
Kant's Perpetual Peace and Young Seek Choue's Oughtopian Peace Theory:A Three-Level Analysis
오영달 , 하영애 | 2010, 17(2) | pp.149~171 | number of Cited : 2
Italy between European Integration and Atlantic Alliance - Changes and Continuity of the Berlusconi Government's Foreign Policy -
SONPHIL LEE | 2010, 17(2) | pp.173~197 | number of Cited : 0
The evaluation and implication on Chinese Soft Power - focusing on the result of international public opinion poll -
이영학 | 2010, 17(2) | pp.199~219 | number of Cited : 8
A study on the French rhetoric and the diverse themes on stylistic doctrinesin 17th century
LEE Jong-Oh | 2010, 17(2) | pp.221~239 | number of Cited : 1
Chinese traditional recognition of the ocean and the meaning of the ban on the ocean
Jun-Tae Lee | 2010, 17(2) | pp.241~253 | number of Cited : 4