Social studies textbooks first, depending on the role and frequency of maps, are classified 3 categories; 1) social studies or ethics in which maps are used collateral material, 2) history in which maps contain location information of historic events, 3) geography in which maps play key roles in delivering curriculum contents. Generally, maps in geography textbook made by teachers or professors majoring geography are generated according to cartographic rules, and properly. But many maps in social studies, ethics, and history textbook have incorrect map projection, missing inset map, and wrong map legends. As results, maps containing errors may lead distorted national territory recognition of students. In the research, map errors in social studies, ethics, and history textbook are divided in geometric errors, inset map errors, and wrong legends. Analysis shows that 352 maps in total 1085 textbook maps contains map errors. Geometric errors are the most abundant with 20.8% and ratio of inset map errors and improper legends are 6.8% and 4.8% respectively. In order to prevent generating map with errors, systematic and institutional procedures are essential in textbook authorizing and standard databases used in textbook map writing are urgently prepared.