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Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology is an official publication of the Korean Association of Crystal Growth (KACG), launched in 1991. The journal publishes 6 issues per year filled with reports of original research and review articles. The peer-reviewed articles contain records of original research that cover diverse theoretical and experimental aspects of crystal growth, crystal technology and related applications. Material categories of interest include but are not limited to: metals, inorganic materials, organic materials, biological materials, semiconductors, polymers, medical/medicinal materials, and newly discovered materials. Theoretical and experimental research and reviews that relate to single- and poly-crystalline materials, powders, liquid crystals and thin films are welcome including those in the following fields;  Theory of nucleation, crystallization and growth  Modeling and simulation of crystallization and growth  Development of growth technique and equipment  Characterization of structural and physical properties  Other crystal growth-related areas The official title of the journal is “Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology (JKCGCT)”. Abbreviated title is “J. Korean Cryst. Growth Cryst. Technol.”. Manuscripts should be submitted to the editorial office by on-line and the submitted manuscripts are peer-reviewed by two reviewers. The manuscript text may be written in Korean or English. The title, abstract, keywords, and references should be written in English. All of the articles published in the JKCGCT are indexed in DOI/Crossref. The citation information and bibliographic information on the JKCGCT is listed in ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index) & KCI (Korea Citation Index).

Editor-in-Chief more

Hyun Cho

(Nanomechatronics Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea)

Citation Index more

  • KCI IF(2yr) : 0.19
  • KCI IF(5yr) : 0.15
  • Centrality Index(3yr) : 0.264
  • Immediacy Index : 0.0465

Current Issue : 2024, Vol.34, No.5 more

Thermal gradient for LiTaO₃ single crystal growth: A simulation study
Jooe-Hyuk Kang | Won-Bae Sohn | Jeon Su Jong and 2 other persons | 2024, 34(5) | pp.143~148 | number of Cited : 0
Development of the manufacturing process for gallium oxide nanopowder using recycled gallium through electrowinning
Jung Won Park | Kyoung Joo Yu | Jun Beom Kwon and 1 other persons | 2024, 34(5) | pp.149~155 | number of Cited : 0
Investigation of the heating characteristics of microwave silicon carbide heaters under mechanochemical iodine curing process conditions
changhun Hwang | JongHa Baek | Sang-In Kim and 2 other persons | 2024, 34(5) | pp.156~162 | number of Cited : 0

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