Objectives : The aim of this study is to make an investigation into post traumatic stress disorder(PTSD) appearing during rehabilitation medical treatment in traffic accident patients, and to refer to the concept of oriental medicine from Dongyibaojian(東醫寶鑑).
Methods : This study has investigated the psychiatric and biopsyic states appearing during rehabilitation medical treatment regulate through various papers, expressions and data about post traumatic stress disorder(PTSD) symtoms in traffic accident patients, classifed for various lengths of time and realize the concept of oriental medicine from Dongyibaojian(東醫寶鑑) because of applying for objection comparing with modern medical science.
Results and Conclusions :
In traffic accident patients, there are apt to appear not only traumas but also psychiatric and biopsyic symptoms. We may diagnose it one of the post traumatic stress disorder(PTSD). Directly after traffic accidents, the psychiatric symptoms in patients appear depressing, unrest, irritability, driving fear, anger, sleeplessness, headache, etc. but during rehabilitation medical treatment, the psychiatric symptoms in patients increase depressing, unrest. In comparison with he concept of oriental medicine, directly after traffic accidents, the psychiatric symptoms in patients are expressed sudden jingji(驚悸), surprised xindanxuqiebushui(心膽虛怯不睡), during rehabilitation medical treatment, the psychiatric symptoms in patients are expressed Tuoying(脫營), Qiyu(氣鬱).