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The Efficient Management Method about the Workers of the Welfare Facilities for Improving the Quality of Elderly Medical Service

  • Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information
  • Abbr : JKSCI
  • 2013, 18(6), pp.91-99
  • Publisher : The Korean Society Of Computer And Information
  • Research Area : Engineering > Computer Science

Woo-Hong Cho 1 PARK CHUN GYU 1 son myoung dong 1




This study has a purpose of analyzing the difference of care giver’s subjective awareness of self-efficacy and job satisfaction according to the types of welfare facilities, before studying the structural relationship between the management variables about workers at the welfare facilities for improving the quality of elderly medical welfare service. As a result of empirical analysis, there was no awareness difference of care givers according to the types of the elderly medical welfare facilities, but in general it was emphasized that the care givers’ satisfaction with self-efficacy and job satisfaction was very essential in providing the elderly medical service. Therefore, this study has significance that it provided the theoretical fundament for efficient management method about the workers of the elderly medical welfare facilities.

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