author={Hyun-Woo Lee and Byun Yong-Hyun and Jin-wook Lee},
title={Effects of KettleBell Training on Functional Movement and Dynamic Balance in Street Dancer Female College Students},
journal={Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information},
AU - Hyun-Woo Lee
AU - Byun Yong-Hyun
AU - Jin-wook Lee
TI - Effects of KettleBell Training on Functional Movement and Dynamic Balance in Street Dancer Female College Students
JO - Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information
PY - 2024
VL - 29
IS - 12
PB - The Korean Society Of Computer And Information
SP - 159
EP - 168
SN - 1598-849X
AB - The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of an 8-week kettlebell training program on Functional Movement(FMS) and Dynamic Balance(YBT) performance in female college students majoring in street dance. The participants were randomly assigned into two groups: the kettle bell group(n=10) and the control group(n=10). The exercise program consisted of two 60-minute sessions per week for 8 weeks. The kettlebell group showed significant improvements in the Functional Movement, particularly in Overhead Deep Squat(ODS,P<.05), Hurdle Step(HS,P<.01), Inline Lunge(IL,P<.05), Active Straight Leg Raise(ASLR,P<.05), Trunk Stability Push-Up(TSPU,P<.001), and Total Score(TS,P<.01). Regarding the Dynamic Balance, there were significant increases in Left Anterior Reach(LAR,P<.05), Right Anterior Reach(RAR,P<.05), Left Posteromedial Reach(LPMR,P<.01), Right Posteromedial Reach(RPMR,P<.01), Left Posterolateral Reach(LPLR,P<.01), Right Posterolateral Reach(RPLR,P<.001), Left Composite Scores(LCS,P<.001), and Right Composite Scores(RCS,P<.001). Based on these findings, it is suggested that physical conditioning through kettlebell training plays a positive role not only in enhancing the performance of dancers but also in reducing the high injury rates commonly observed in this population.
KW - Street Dancer;Kettlebell Training;Functional Movements;Dynamic Balance
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Hyun-Woo Lee, Byun Yong-Hyun and Jin-wook Lee. (2024). Effects of KettleBell Training on Functional Movement and Dynamic Balance in Street Dancer Female College Students. Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information, 29(12), 159-168.
Hyun-Woo Lee, Byun Yong-Hyun and Jin-wook Lee. 2024, "Effects of KettleBell Training on Functional Movement and Dynamic Balance in Street Dancer Female College Students", Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information, vol.29, no.12 pp.159-168.
Hyun-Woo Lee, Byun Yong-Hyun, Jin-wook Lee "Effects of KettleBell Training on Functional Movement and Dynamic Balance in Street Dancer Female College Students" Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information 29.12 pp.159-168 (2024) : 159.
Hyun-Woo Lee, Byun Yong-Hyun, Jin-wook Lee. Effects of KettleBell Training on Functional Movement and Dynamic Balance in Street Dancer Female College Students. 2024; 29(12), 159-168.
Hyun-Woo Lee, Byun Yong-Hyun and Jin-wook Lee. "Effects of KettleBell Training on Functional Movement and Dynamic Balance in Street Dancer Female College Students" Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information 29, no.12 (2024) : 159-168.
Hyun-Woo Lee; Byun Yong-Hyun; Jin-wook Lee. Effects of KettleBell Training on Functional Movement and Dynamic Balance in Street Dancer Female College Students. Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information, 29(12), 159-168.
Hyun-Woo Lee; Byun Yong-Hyun; Jin-wook Lee. Effects of KettleBell Training on Functional Movement and Dynamic Balance in Street Dancer Female College Students. Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information. 2024; 29(12) 159-168.
Hyun-Woo Lee, Byun Yong-Hyun, Jin-wook Lee. Effects of KettleBell Training on Functional Movement and Dynamic Balance in Street Dancer Female College Students. 2024; 29(12), 159-168.
Hyun-Woo Lee, Byun Yong-Hyun and Jin-wook Lee. "Effects of KettleBell Training on Functional Movement and Dynamic Balance in Street Dancer Female College Students" Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information 29, no.12 (2024) : 159-168.