Objectives : In this study, in order to provide basic data for more efficient and systematic clinical practice training by recognizing the need of effective and standardized operation of clinical practice accomplished in clinical fields belonging to the curriculum of dental hygiene department, grasping, investigating, and analyzing satisfaction degree of the clinical practice through student's frequency of observation practice and performance practice.
Method : A survey was conducted against 208 students in the 3rd grade of 4 dental hygiene departments located in Jeonbuk province.
Results : As results, it was found that for the observation practice frequency according to clinical practice term by universities, the basic clinical practice was higher in A, B, and D university and that the correction and practice was higher in D university. For the performance practice frequency, it was found that basic care practice was higher in B and D university, oral medicine practice, preventive dentistry practice, and periodontal practice were higher in A and C university, pediatric dentistry practice was higher in B and C university, prosthetic dentistry practice was higher in A, B, and C university, and oral surgery practice was higher in B university. It was identified that satisfaction was higher in the basic care practice, the preventive dentistry practice, and the periodontal practice in the range of clinical practice, and the A and C university receiving higher score in the performance practice frequency got higher score in the oral medicine practice, the preventive dentistry practice, and the periodontal practice.
Conclusions : As the basic care practice items in the clinical practice area which got relatively higher score in observation practice, performance practice, and satisfaction degree of the dental hygiene trainee are basic and essential works that they will perform the most frequently, it is considered that integrated clinical practice training including the intramural practice course is required.