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2024, Vol., No.79

Achievements and Remaining Issues in the Contrastive Study of Japanese and Korean
Ogoshi, Naoki | 2024, (79) | pp.5~20 | number of Cited : 1
Semantic comparison between synonyms based on corpus: Difference in meaning between kanarazu and kitto
HYEYOUN KIM | 2024, (79) | pp.23~38 | number of Cited : 0
The past tense forms of repair formulae between Korean and Japanese: Issues on “Arigatou-gozaimasu・Kamsaha-bnita(equivalent to “Thank you” in English)” and “Arigatou-gozaimasita・kamsaha-ysssupnita (past forms for “Thank you”)”
Moriyama, Takuro , Lee, Gyeong-Min | 2024, (79) | pp.39~60 | number of Cited : 0
A study on Restrictive Adverbs of causative sentences in Japanese
PARK JAEHYUNG | 2024, (79) | pp.61~76 | number of Cited : 0
Strategy for request emails in Korean and Japanese: From the viewpoint of the Politeness Theory
Shin, Won-Sun | 2024, (79) | pp.77~97 | number of Cited : 0
On the material properties of the Old Manuscripts of Fujiwara-no-Tadazane's “Denryaku(殿暦)”: Focusing on the Kanji-Kana mixed notation
Yanagihara, Etsuko | 2024, (79) | pp.99~117 | number of Cited : 0
A study of Individual-level Predicate Sentences’ establishment mechanism and its hierarchy: Focusing on the Individual-level Predicate Sentences consisting of a verb predicate
Jiang, Liu | 2024, (79) | pp.119~138 | number of Cited : 0
Applicability and significance of SEL for international student education in Korea and Japan
Jung, Hye-Seon , Nagaoka, Etsuko | 2024, (79) | pp.139~156 | number of Cited : 0