/ 2021
/ 윤리적소비에서 공정무역마을운동으로
/ 쿱드림
프란스 판 데어 호프
/ 2008
/ 희망을 키우는 착한 소비
/ 서해문집
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/ Walking the tightrope and stirring things up: Exploring the institutional work of sustainable entrepreneurs
/ Business strategy and the environment
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Bacon, C.
/ 2005
/ Confronting the coffee crisis : can fair trade, organic, and specialty coffees reduce small-scale farmer vulnerability in northern Nicaragua?
/ World development
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Bacon, C. M.
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/ A spot of coffee in crisis : Nicaraguan smallholder cooperatives, fair trade networks, and gendered empowerment
/ Latin American Perspectives
: 50~71
Battilana, J.
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/ Advancing research on hybrid organizing? Insights from the study of social enterprises
/ Academy of Management Annals
: 397~441
Bauwens, T.
/ 2017
/ Social capital and mutual versus public benefit : The case of renewable energy cooperatives
/ Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics
: 203~232
Beuchelt, T. D.
/ 2011
/ Profits and poverty : Certification’s troubled link for Nicaragua’s organic and fairtrade coffee producers
/ Ecological Economics
: 1316~1324
Beuchelt, T. D.
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/ The role of cooperative business models for the success of smallholder coffee certification in Nicaragua : A comparison of conventional, organic and Organic-Fairtrade certified cooperatives
/ Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems
: 195~211
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/ Towards a ‘long view’ : historical perspectives on the scaling and replication of social ventures
/ Journal of Social Entrepreneurship
: 80~102
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/ Interest plurality and institutional work : An ethnography of rural community organizing
/ Journal of Organizational Ethnography
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/ The iron cage revisited: Institutional isomorphism and collective rationality in organizational fields
/ American sociological review
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/ Diocese of Kanjirapally
Doherty, B.
/ 2013
/ Connecting producers and consumers through fair and sustainable value chains
/ Social Enterprise Journal
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/ Social enterprises as hybrid organizations : A review and research agenda
/ International journal of management reviews
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/ The governance of social enterprises : Mission drift and accountability challenges in hybrid organizations
/ Research in organizational behavior
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/ Institutional entrepreneurship as embedded agency : An introduction to the special issue
/ Organization studies
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/ Institutional work as logics shift : The case of Intel’s transformation to platform leader
/ Organization studies
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/ Journal of Business Venturing
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Hudon, M.
/ 2017
/ From distant neighbours to bedmates : Exploring the synergies between the social economy and sustainable development
/ Annals of public and cooperative economics
: 141~154
Huybrechts, B.
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/ Fair trade organizations and social enterprise: Social innovation through hybrid organization models (Vol. 17)
/ Routledge
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/ 2008
/ A new conceptual framework for sustainable development
/ Environment, development and sustainability
: 179~192
Lawrence, T. B.
/ 2015
/ Place and institutional work : Creating housing for the hard-to-house
/ Administrative Science Quarterly
: 371~410
Lawrence, T. B.
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/ The Sage handbook of organization studies
: 215~254
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/ 2011
/ Institutional work : Refocusing institutional studies of organization
/ Journal of management inquiry
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/ 2008
/ The impact of fair trade on social and economic development : A review of the literature
/ Geography Compass
: 1922~1942
Loorbach, D.
/ 2010
/ Business strategies for transitions towards sustainable systems
/ Business strategy and the environment
: 133~146
Lyon, S.
/ 2007
/ Fair trade coffee and human rights in Guatemala
/ Journal of Consumer Policy
: 241~261
Makita, R.
/ 2016
/ A role of fair trade certification for environmental sustainability
/ Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics
: 185~201
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/ Sustainable development : a new(ish)idea for a new century?
/ Political studies
: 370~387
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/ Fair trade: Market-driven ethical consumption
/ SAGE Publications Ltd
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/ Sustainable development from below : institutionalising a global idea-complex
/ Local Environment
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/ 2013
/ Fair trade and organic agriculture in developing countries : A review
/ Journal of international food & agribusiness marketing
: 311~323
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/ 2016
/ Organic agriculture and fair trade : A happy marriage? A case study of certified smallholder black pepper farmers in India
/ World Development
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/ Towards sustainability : The innovation paths of social enterprise
/ Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics
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/ Embedding social innovation : Shaping societal norms and behaviors throughout the innovation process
/ Business & Society
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/ Re-embedding global agriculture : The international organic and fair trade movements
/ Agriculture and human values
: 297~309
Ribeiro-Duthie, A. C.
/ 2021
/ Fair trade governance : revisiting a framework to analyse challenges and opportunities for sustainable development towards a green economy
/ Discov Sustainability
: 58~
Rogers, P. P.
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/ Earthscan
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/ Measuring the impact of fair trade on development
/ Development in Practice
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/ The adolescence of institutional theory
/ Administrative science quarterly
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/ Institutions and organizations: Ideas and interests
/ Sage
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/ IESE Business School
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/ 2018
/ Global Basic Rights, Positive Duties, Extraterritorial Obligations, and Mediating Institutions : Do the Sustainable Development goals deepen the institutionalisation of a global responsibility to end poverty?
/ Social Alternatives
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Spangenberg, J. H.
/ 2004
/ Reconciling sustainability and growth : criteria, indicators, policies
/ Sustainable development
: 74~86
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/ 1998
/ Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory
/ SAGE Publications
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/ 1997
/ The role of fair trade principles within sustainable development
/ Sustainable Development
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/ 2018
/ The concept of sustainable development : From its beginning to the contemporary issues
/ Zagreb International Review of Economics & Business
: 67~94
Tremblay, C.
/ 2012
/ Empowerment through participation : assessing the voices of leaders from recycling cooperatives in Sao Paulo, Brazil
/ Community Development Journal
: 282~302
Valkila, J.
/ 2009
/ Fair Trade organic coffee production in Nicaragua— Sustainable development or a poverty trap?
/ Ecological economics
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/ International Small Business Journal
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/ Convergences between the social and solidarity economy and sustainable development goals: Case study in the Basque country
/ Sustainability
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/ International Review of Sociology
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/ McGraw-Hill
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/ 2005
/ Fair trade, business and sustainable development
/ Sustainable Development
: 139~142