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2010, Vol.17, No.1

The effectiveness of social protection laws/institutions In the age of 'precarious work' and the social-integrative job creation strategies
LEE HO GEUN | 2010, 17(1) | pp.13~61 | number of Cited : 14
Expansion and Limitations of Social Security Institutions in Korea
김진욱 | 2010, 17(1) | pp.63~93 | number of Cited : 23
The Global Economic Crisis and Blind Spots of Health Security
Shin, Young-jeon | 2010, 17(1) | pp.95~127 | number of Cited : 18
Tasks of Education Welfare Policy for Eliminating Educational Alienation and Disparity
In Hee Kim | 2010, 17(1) | pp.129~175 | number of Cited : 72
Reforming Korean Retirement Pension System in 2005 : In pursuit of Incremental Transformation through Layering?
Eunsun Joo , 정해식 | 2010, 17(1) | pp.179~213 | number of Cited : 8
The Effects of Household and Regional Characteristics on Poverty in Seoul
KIM KYO SEONG | 2010, 17(1) | pp.215~240 | number of Cited : 30
A study of the measurement of “publicness” in social welfare
Shin Dong-Myeon | 2010, 17(1) | pp.241~265 | number of Cited : 36
A Equity in Health Care Utilization by Health Statuss
Lee, Yongjae | 2010, 17(1) | pp.267~290 | number of Cited : 62
A study on the type of retirement processes and its determinants for the aged
Hong, Baegeui , Kim Hye Yeon | 2010, 17(1) | pp.291~319 | number of Cited : 37
Promotion of Housing Rights in Reference to the Constitution and International Human Rights Obligations
Ha, Seong-Kyu | 2010, 17(1) | pp.321~351 | number of Cited : 35