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2014, Vol.21, No.2

Population aging and growth of health care expenditures
Soonim Huh , Soo-Jung Kim | 2014, 21(2) | pp.9~33 | number of Cited : 10
Differential cost-sharing and utilization of outpatients care by types of medical institutions
Jinok Byeon , Haryeom Ghang , Hyunboc, Lee | 2014, 21(2) | pp.35~55 | number of Cited : 8
Class and precarious work in Korean service economy
Baek Seung Ho | 2014, 21(2) | pp.57~90 | number of Cited : 85
A Comparison of the Functional Criteria of Disability with the Medical Criteria by Their Effects on Disability Employment Probability
Whanshick Yoo , 권기돈 | 2014, 21(2) | pp.91~112 | number of Cited : 0
Social Integration: Concept, Measure, and International Comparison
Yee, Jaeyeol , BYONG HEE CHO , Chang, Dukjin and 3 other persons | 2014, 21(2) | pp.113~149 | number of Cited : 40
The structure of party competition and politics of blame avoidance: A Review of the OAS reform in Canada
Eun Min Su | 2014, 21(2) | pp.151~182 | number of Cited : 9
The effects of stronger protection of intellectual property rights for medicines on pharmaceutical market, price and utilisation: case studies for five countries
Jung, Youn , Kwon, Soonman | 2014, 21(2) | pp.183~228 | number of Cited : 4