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2017, Vol.24, No.4

The home ownership, public expenditure and change of home ownership rate
Eun Min Su | 2017, 24(4) | pp.3~29 | number of Cited : 4
The Difference of Characters Between Housing Poverty Types - Subcriterion criteria of Substandard Housing, Unaffordable Housing and double housing poverty -
Lim, Se Hee , 박경하 | 2017, 24(4) | pp.31~62 | number of Cited : 24
Social Risks of Self-Employed Women in Korea and the Legacy of East Asian Welfare Model Policy Logic
Ahn, Jong-Soon | 2017, 24(4) | pp.63~87 | number of Cited : 0
Critical Review on Goals of the Basic Pension of Korea: Based on the Empirical Analysis of the Poverty Alleviation Effect of the Basic Pension
Kim Yeon Myung , Sinsil Han | 2017, 24(4) | pp.89~112 | number of Cited : 19
Path to Poverty of Sick Workers and Fictional Korean Social Security
Lee, Seung-yoon , Ki-tae Kim | 2017, 24(4) | pp.113~150 | number of Cited : 22
Development and Limitation of Income Maintenance Policy after the Financial Crisis
KIM KYO SEONG | 2017, 24(4) | pp.151~184 | number of Cited : 12
Is increasing of labor market policy expenditure effective policy tool to lessen the fiscal crisis in Welfare state? : The interaction between active and passive labor market policy
Bae Eun Chong , Ko, Hyejin , Cho, Hyojin | 2017, 24(4) | pp.185~222 | number of Cited : 3