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2019, Vol.26, No.1

What kind of support can sick workers get from their employers?: A study on social protections for sickness in US, Switzerland and Israel
김수진 , Ki-tae Kim | 2019, 26(1) | pp.3~33 | number of Cited : 3
Examining dual poverty studies from the perspective of care
Shin Young Min , Kim, Hee-Kang | 2019, 26(1) | pp.35~59 | number of Cited : 5
Is the left always an active promoter of welfare states?: A case study of Japan and Korea
Soon Mee Kwon | 2019, 26(1) | pp.61~88 | number of Cited : 3
Examining the issues and development plans with regard to the pensionable age of Teachers’ Pension for retirement by abolition of a school
In-Young Jung , Su Sung Kim | 2019, 26(1) | pp.90~113 | number of Cited : 3
Analysis of organizational effect on long-term care service quality perceived by older Koreans: Focusing on facility characteristics and organizational culture
Park, Sang-Hee , Kim, Bum Jung | 2019, 26(1) | pp.116~138 | number of Cited : 4
Religion and the welfare state: How religion affects welfare attitudes?
Bae Eun Chong , Soo Wan Kim , Ahn, Sang-Hoon | 2019, 26(1) | pp.140~171 | number of Cited : 0
Long term care service coverage in Korea
Kim, Tae Il , Hyejin Choi | 2019, 26(1) | pp.174~202 | number of Cited : 6