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A Study on Nationwide Survey and Analysis of Operating Small Libraries in Korea

  • Journal of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science
  • 2012, 23(1), pp.153-178
  • Publisher : Journal Of The Korean Biblia Society For Library And Information Science
  • Research Area : Interdisciplinary Studies > Library and Information Science

Sung-Jong Cha 1 Inja Ahn 2 So-Young Yoon 3

1문화체육관광부 도서관정책과



This study covers the basic information of the small libraries nationwide, holding materials, facilities/equipment, human resources, budget, usage/users, and service etc. The survey is divided into 4 steps to produce accurate statistical data and analyze it. As a result, total 3,349 small libraries meet the criteria of the Library Act in 2010. Their holding materials, facilities/equipment, human resources, budget, usage, service program are lack of providing the knowledge information and reading culture service, which is defined in the Library Act. In particular, the majority of small libraries(80%) are in poor condition to operate library facilities/equipment, budget, and their operation. This study proposes some suggestions to overcome the poor condition and to make small libraries prosperous in the near future.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.