This study analyzes solvency regulation framework of private pension between
Korea and advanced countries. Results indicate that supervisors are necessary to
consider the reform on the current retirement pension regulation for the protection
of vesting rights by securing the solvency of pension fund.
First, ex-ante solvency regulation should be established such as actuarial
assumptions and technical provisions method for firm-specific scheme. Also, riskbased
approach is necessary as an ex-post solvency regulation. Pension funds have
to fully funded their liability with a solvency buffer. Guidance of pension accounting
is required for implementation of IFRS.
Second, statutory funding regulation is required to set out in a statement of
funding principles. In case of a shortfall, the employers have to prepare a recovery
plan such as amortization of actuarial deficit, complementary contribution, and etc.
In the long term perspective, maximum funding limit and prompt intervention are
necessary for prevention of employers’moral hazard.
Third, supervisory authority should increase the current statutory technical
provision level from 60% to 100% to ensure the financial strength of retirement
pension schemes. In addition, comprehensive reviews are demanded such as the
enhancement of elimination level of past service liabilities and maximum
amortization period of actuarial deficit.