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2016, Vol.27, No.2

Households Debts and Financial Market Participation in Korea
최원호 | 2016, 27(2) | pp.3~43 | number of Cited : 1
A Qualitative Study on Solidarity Characteristics of Life Insurance Industry
Kim, Hunsoo , Jaehyun Kim , Kim, Giduk | 2016, 27(2) | pp.45~80 | number of Cited : 2
Generating an Optimal Auto Insurance Ratewith the Consideration of Population Change
Jang Bong-Gyu , Changhui Choi | 2016, 27(2) | pp.81~109 | number of Cited : 1
The Effect of Product Diversification on Profitability of Korean Insurers
남윤미 , Hae Won Byun | 2016, 27(2) | pp.111~143 | number of Cited : 5