title={A Study on the relativity of critical activity to reality recognition},
journal={Korean Language & Literature},
AU - 임경순
TI - A Study on the relativity of critical activity to reality recognition
JO - Korean Language & Literature
PY - 2003
VL - null
IS - 51
PB - Korean Language & Literature
SP - 583
EP - 608
SN - 1229-1730
AB -
KW -
DO -
UR -
ER -
임경순. (2003). A Study on the relativity of critical activity to reality recognition. Korean Language & Literature, 51, 583-608.
임경순. 2003, "A Study on the relativity of critical activity to reality recognition", Korean Language & Literature, no.51, pp.583-608.
임경순 "A Study on the relativity of critical activity to reality recognition" Korean Language & Literature 51 pp.583-608 (2003) : 583.
임경순. A Study on the relativity of critical activity to reality recognition. 2003; 51 : 583-608.
임경순. "A Study on the relativity of critical activity to reality recognition" Korean Language & Literature no.51(2003) : 583-608.
임경순. A Study on the relativity of critical activity to reality recognition. Korean Language & Literature, 51, 583-608.
임경순. A Study on the relativity of critical activity to reality recognition. Korean Language & Literature. 2003; 51 583-608.
임경순. A Study on the relativity of critical activity to reality recognition. 2003; 51 : 583-608.
임경순. "A Study on the relativity of critical activity to reality recognition" Korean Language & Literature no.51(2003) : 583-608.