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A Study of the School System and Textbooks before the Introduction of the Modern School System(1880~1894) in Korea

  • Korean Language & Literature
  • 2013, (87), pp.517~545
  • Publisher : Korean Language & Literature
  • Research Area : Humanities > Korean Language and Literature

Heo Jae-young 1




This paper aims to provide a description on the school system and textbooks before the introduction of the modern school system in Korea. Some people have studied this theme, but they were not focused on the textbooks and knowledge information circulation. I gathered 50 materials on the school system and textbooks for these times. I focused on MUNBUSEONG SO HAL MOKROK(文部省所轄目錄, the report written by Jo Jun-hyeong in 1882), HANSEONGSUNBO(漢城旬報), HANSEONGJUBO(漢城週報, the newspaper published by BAKMUNKUK) and other textbooks. I realized that the first information regarding school systems had been introduced by Jo Jun-hyeong(조준형). This report contained the Japanese school and subject systems. I found many textbooks named in this report. But these textbooks were not found until now. So I concluded this report had not affected in Korea's education. But 10 modern schools were established in this time, for example DONGMUNHAK(同文學) etc. I found many books which were published in China, and were used in Korea at this time. I think that Korea's knowledge information circulation was affected by China at that time.

Citation status

* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.

This paper was written with support from the National Research Foundation of Korea.