title={Three analysis in Hunminjeongeum Haireibon},
journal={Korean Language & Literature},
AU - 섭보매
TI - Three analysis in Hunminjeongeum Haireibon
JO - Korean Language & Literature
PY - 2016
VL - null
IS - 97
PB - Korean Language & Literature
SP - 33
EP - 66
SN - 1229-1730
AB - In this study, we analyze the deep meaning of ‘喉舌爲主', '淸濁' and '闔闢' term, the four tones in Hunminjeongeum Haireibon from I-Ching and phonetical view. As we all known that throat(喉) and tone(舌) are the most important articulator, not only because they are applicable to water(水) and fire(火) of the five elements, but only because they are also important than tooth and lip as phonetics articulator. In Hunminjeongeum the meaning of Chinese character '喉' includes the epiglottis(會厭) deeply. '淸濁' and '闔闢' can be used as I-Ching and phonetical term. Considering the effectiveness and briefness of depiction in Hunminjeongeum, the '闔闢' of hangeul consonants was skipped by Haireibon compiler. To the four tones of Hangeul, phonetics nature and I-Ching nature are two sides of the same coin. The four tones was assigned at the four seasons.
It referred to harmony principle of spirit(氣) in Taijitushuo(太極圖說). The examples of four tones, ‘弓, 石, 刀' symbolize the military service examination,(武 科) '筆’ symbolize Civil Service Examination(文科). Hunminjeongeum was made for subjects whoever want take the state examination.
KW - the main of throat and tone(喉舌);epiglottis(會厭);phonetical features;four tones;Happyeok(闔闢);examples(用例).
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섭보매. (2016). Three analysis in Hunminjeongeum Haireibon. Korean Language & Literature, 97, 33-66.
섭보매. 2016, "Three analysis in Hunminjeongeum Haireibon", Korean Language & Literature, no.97, pp.33-66.
섭보매 "Three analysis in Hunminjeongeum Haireibon" Korean Language & Literature 97 pp.33-66 (2016) : 33.
섭보매. Three analysis in Hunminjeongeum Haireibon. 2016; 97 : 33-66.
섭보매. "Three analysis in Hunminjeongeum Haireibon" Korean Language & Literature no.97(2016) : 33-66.
섭보매. Three analysis in Hunminjeongeum Haireibon. Korean Language & Literature, 97, 33-66.
섭보매. Three analysis in Hunminjeongeum Haireibon. Korean Language & Literature. 2016; 97 33-66.
섭보매. Three analysis in Hunminjeongeum Haireibon. 2016; 97 : 33-66.
섭보매. "Three analysis in Hunminjeongeum Haireibon" Korean Language & Literature no.97(2016) : 33-66.