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2009, Vol.60, No.

New Regeneration Method for Upgrading Low Income Housing toward Social Renewal
Bae Woong Kyoo , Seo Soojeong , Changho Lee and 1 other persons | 2009, 60 | pp.3~28 | number of Cited : 11
A Study on the Impact of FDI in Dongnam Region on the Local and National Economy
Cho,GyeongLyeob , Kim, Youngduk , 정호진 and 1 other persons | 2009, 60 | pp.29~45 | number of Cited : 5
Pooling Equilibrium of Lease Contracts in Housing Rental Markets
임재만 | 2009, 60 | pp.47~59 | number of Cited : 20
Crime-related U.S. Urban Design and Order Maintenance Policy in the Era of Globalization: Policy Implications for the Future Urban Design Practices
KWON TAE JUNG | 2009, 60 | pp.61~80 | number of Cited : 4
Fostering Infrastructure Finance in Asia based on Korean PPI Experiences
박동규 , Park Chang Gyun , OhGyuTaeg | 2009, 60 | pp.81~96 | number of Cited : 3
A study on the Spatial Differences in Cancer Patients' Health Care Utilization and Treatment of Medical Institutions
Lee, Yongjae | 2009, 60 | pp.97~114 | number of Cited : 11
The Visioning Approach toward the Integration of Land Use and Transportation
최성연 , Hyunsun Choi | 2009, 60 | pp.115~137 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on the Risk Factors Determining the Performance of Real Estate Auction-Using an AHP Technique
Moon Heemyung , Seon-Jong Yoo | 2009, 60 | pp.139~156 | number of Cited : 14
Economy-Energy-Environment IO Model for Local Government: the Case of Pohang-si
JEONG KIHO , 하인봉 , ChungSil Kim and 3 other persons | 2009, 60 | pp.157~170 | number of Cited : 3
An Analysis of Housing Demand Functions Considering Family Life Cycle
Chungyu Park , Lee, Soo Wook , 손경환 | 2009, 60 | pp.171~187 | number of Cited : 107
Study on Developing Cooperative Local Governance Model based on U.S. MPO Cases
Woo, Yunseuk | 2009, 60 | pp.189~214 | number of Cited : 9
A Case Study on Women-friendly Kimpo New Town Planning with Gender Equity Assessment
Sang-Moon Lee , Jeon, Young-Ok | 2009, 60 | pp.215~231 | number of Cited : 22
Fiscal Equalization and Convergence in Local Income
Keunjae Lee , JongPil Jeong , Choe, Byeong-Ho | 2009, 60 | pp.233~249 | number of Cited : 35