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/ 1968
/ Planning for People
/ Bedford Square Press
/ 1979
/ Planning Theory and Philosophy
/ Tavistock Publications
/ 1986
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/ 1981
/ Urbanization and Urban Planning in Capitalist Society
/ 1971
/ A Process of Social Learning
/ The Johns Hopkins Press
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/ 1973
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/ Pergamon Press
/ 1975
/ Against Method:Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge
/ 1945
/ Road to Reaction
/ 1993
/ The Argumentative Turn in Policy Analysis and Planning
/ Duke University Press
/ 1989
/ Planning in the Face of Power
/ University of California Press
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/ State University of New York Press
/ 1999
/ The Deliberative Practitioner
/ The M.I.T. Press
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/ Stanford University Press
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/ Communication and the Evolution of Society
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/ UBC Press
/ 1982
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/ Planning theory's emerging paradigm: communicative action and interactive practice
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/ The Death and Life of Great American Cities
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/ Principles and Practice of Town and Country Planning
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/ The Structure of Scientific Revolutions The University of Chicago Press
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/ Selected Studies in Scientific Tradition and Change The University of Chicago Press
/ 1959
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/ Heinemann
/ 1974
/ Speculation on Future Planning Process Theory Planning in America Learning from Turbulence
/ A IP Press
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/ Critical Readings in Planning Theory
/ Pergamon Press
/ 1996
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/ Towards Cosmopolis: Planning for Multicultural Cities
/ 1983
/ How Professionals Think in Action
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/ 1984
/ A comment on Taylor's procedural theory of planning
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/ Urban Planning Theory Since 1945
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/ Planning as Persuasive Storytelling: The Rhetorical Construction of Chicago's Electric Future.
/ The University of Chicago Press
/ 논문 접수일:2006.1.4
/ 심사 시작일:2006.1.10
/ 심사 시작일:2006.1.10