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Terminology & Field in Art- Korean Modern Art, its Origin & Character

  • The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art
  • Abbr : JASA
  • 2004, 20(), pp.5-22
  • Publisher : 한국미학예술학회
  • Research Area : Arts and Kinesiology > Other Arts and Kinesiology

Ihn-Bum Lee 1




The terminology of 'fine arts' is the product of the modern age. 'Fine arts' are also. Moreover, so it is in Korea. The terminology of 'fine arts' has not been originated from Korea and evolved, spontaneously. but has been transplanted with the coined terminologies of Western culture, translated by Japanese. Therefore, these terms reflect the situation of translation of Meiji era of Japan as it was. Under the object, such as "escaping from Asia & entering into the Europe" and accomplishment of wealthy country & a powerful army, the terms of fine arts were considered as Utopism towards the West. And technique or goods. The ideology of nationalism goes across them.

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