The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art 2023 KCI Impact Factor : 0.81
pISSN : 1229-0246
pISSN : 1229-0246
Research Ethics
Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of this clause is to ensure the ethical standards of papers contributed to The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art (hereinafter the “Journal”) published by the Korean Society of Aesthetics and Science of Art (hereinafter the “Society”).
Article 2 (Responsibility and Obligation of the Society)
The Society shall inform scholars who contribute to the Journal of this clause and verify the ethical standards of contributed papers pursuant to this clause..
Article 3 (Responsibility and Obligation of Scholars)
1. Scholars who contribute to the Journal must be well-acquainted with this clause, contribute only papers that observe the relevant ethical standards, actively cooperate with the procedures and requests necessary to verify the research ethics of the papers, and accept the outcomes of the verification in the absence of justifiable reasons.
2. Scholars must examine similarities between their own papers and those published by other scholars by using the research paper integrity detection service offered by the Korea Citation Index (KCI) and review the outcomes before following the submission procedure.
Article 4 (Scope of Research Misconduct)
Any of the following offenses shall be deemed research misconduct (hereinafter “Misconduct”).
1. Falsification: The act of distorting the content and outcome of research by falsifying the existing research data, outcomes, etc.
2. Plagiarism: The act of taking someone else’s ideas, research content, etc. without due approval or citation
3. Dual publication: The act of reusing the content of another paper the author has already published without citation
4. Unjust authorship: The act of granting authorship to a person who has not contributed to the research or failing to acknowledge authorship of a person who has participated in the research
Article 5 (Research Ethics Committee)
A committee to ensure research ethics (hereinafter the “Committee”) shall be operated on a permanent basis and be organized as follows:
1. President: The Vice President of the Society shall serve as President of the Committee.
2. Members: The President of the Committee shall select five Committee members among the Society’s executive board and editorial members.
3. Secretaries: The Secretary of General Affairs and Secretary of Academic Affairs of the Society shall serve as secretaries of the Committee.
Article 6 (Disclosure of Investigative Records and Information)
1. The Society shall keep all investigative records for five years.
2. An investigative report and the list of examiners may be released only after the judgement process has ended.
3. The list of examiners, witnesses, testifiers, advisors, and other relevant parties may be kept private to protect them from potentially unfair treatment.
(Article 7 and below omitted)
Publication Ethics
Article 1 (Purpose)
These regulations are established and operated in order to ethically publish the journal in compliance with fair procedures for review and publication of submitted papers. These regulations include regulations regarding the responsibilities and roles of editors, authors, and reviewers, peer review, copyright ownership and scope, and the withdrawal of papers.
Article 2 (Responsibilities and Roles of Editors)
1. Editors must ensure a fair and objective expert review process without conflict of interest.
2. Editors should protect the authenticity of published articles by tracking cases of suspected research and publication fraud.
3. Editors should test the ethics of human and animal studies.
4. Editors should not share information about manuscripts, authors, and reviewers with others until the evaluation process is complete.
Article 3 (Responsibilities and Roles of Authors)
1. Authors mean those who made a significant intellectual contribution to the whole or a certain part of the study and are responsible for it.
2. The order of authors shall be determined according to the degree of contribution to the study, and all authors should agree on the order.
3. The authors shall have ethical responsibilities for all content and process of the study.
4. The authors shall agree to their responsibilities simultaneously with their approval of the final manuscript for publication.
5. The authors shall agree to and comply with the copyright regulations of the Society.
6. The authors should clarify that there is no financial, human, academic, or clinical conflict of interest at the time of submission of any paper.
Article 4 (Responsibilities and Roles of Reviewers)
1. Those who correspond to the doctoral level or equivalent qualification in the related field may be appointed as reviewers.
2. The reviewers shall judge the value of the manuscript fairly in consideration of the academic value of the submitted manuscript and the truthfulness of the study conducted.
3. The reviewers shall maintain the confidentiality of the manuscript subject to review, and shall not use any information obtained during the review.
4. The reviewers shall respect the author, avoid contents that would damage the reputation of the author or hostile contents, and write review comments in a constructive direction.
Article 5 (Peer Review)
1. Each submitted manuscript is reviewed by three reviewers, and the reviewers are not disclosed.
2. The reviewers are selected from the a pool of reviewers composed of experts by field and based on the recommendation of the editors in the related field.
3. Those who belong to the same organization as the contributor as of the date of submission of the paper, recommenders for submission, recommenders for presentation, and the advisor for the relevant paper are excluded from appointment.
4. In the case of a manuscript written by an editorial member, at least two persons who are not editorial members shall be assigned as reviewers.
5. The review criteria, judgment, and results are made in accordance with the editorial regulations (Chapter 7 <Individual Academic Paper Review Methods and Procedures, etc.> and Chapter 8 <Decision on Editorial Direction of the Journal and Final Judgment and Actions on Whether to Publish Individual Papers>)
6. In cases where judgments are significantly different between reviewers, other reviewers may be additionally assigned.
Article 6 (Copyright Ownership and Scope)
1. The copyrights of papers published in the journal of the society belong to the society.
2. In cases where an author wishes to republish all or part of a paper published in this journal in any other medium, he/she can do so without the consent of the society; provided that, the source must be disclosed.
3. The society does not allow the transfer or use of copyrights; provided that, the author's self-archiving is possible.
Article 7 (Withdrawal of Papers)
Papers published in the journal that fall under the following paragraphs may be withdrawn by notifying the authors and titles of the papers, those who decided to withdraw the papers, and the reason for the withdrawal in the withdrawal notices (homepage and journal).
1. In cases where the research results cannot be trusted due to honest errors in the main data or materials of the papers
2. In cases where the research results cannot be trusted due to research misconducts such as forgery, falsification, plagiarism, etc.
3. In cases where the same data or paper was published in more than one journal without permission or any justifiable reason