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Deleuze: The Body Without Organs and the Problem of Reality (Fact) in the Paintings of Francis Bacon

  • The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art
  • Abbr : JASA
  • 2023, 68(), pp.138-177
  • DOI : 10.17527/JASA.68.0.06
  • Publisher : 한국미학예술학회
  • Research Area : Arts and Kinesiology > Other Arts and Kinesiology
  • Received : December 15, 2022
  • Accepted : February 6, 2023
  • Published : February 28, 2023

Yeon-Hoan Kim 1




Francis Bacon painted the body without organs and its intensive fact, its living reality. What is the body without organs and what is reality? The body without organs is nonorganic life. It does not have organic senses, but nonorganic yet living sensations. The reality of the body without organs is not opposed to the virtual, but to the possible. That is, the reality of the body without organs is a reality that becomes real when “something (quelque chose)” realizes the possible. What is it that realizes the possible? This paper deals with the realization of the possible and the problem of reality. Therefore, as a preliminary work, we will first explore the chaos of eternal return, accidents and events, sufficient reasons, and sensations of the body without organs and its organs, because reality is related to chaos before the occurrence of the world-universe. Deleuze determines this chaos as the virtual-the possible (but it doesn’t exist). It is this problem of reality that is analyzed along with the possibility of chaos. Also, for Bacon, the diagram is not a primitive chaos, but a chaos manipulated by hands, and it creates traces of the accident of that chaos. This paper analyzes how the original reality of the body without organs is acquired, and finally compares this reality with the possibility of fact in a diagram.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.