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Korean Painting in the Post-Digital Era

  • The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art
  • Abbr : JASA
  • 2025, 74(), pp.54~77
  • Publisher : 한국미학예술학회
  • Research Area : Arts and Kinesiology > Other Arts and Kinesiology
  • Received : December 15, 2024
  • Accepted : January 11, 2025
  • Published : February 28, 2025

Eunsoon Yoo 1

1서울시립 북서울미술관



This paper examines the trajectory of contemporary painting after 2010, a period marked by the proliferation of mobile devices and social networking services, leading to an overwhelming increase in images and a crisis for painting. Among various terms describing this era, the author adopts “post-digital” and explores the shifting experience of images as the transition from analog to digital media unfolds. The study then analyzes three Korean artists who integrate the interaction between digital and analog media and the immateriality of digital media into painting. Noh Sangho considers paintings created with carbon-paper drawings, their scanned digital versions, and SNS uploads as equivalent originals, treating physical exhibitions and SNS feeds as equally valid experiences. His practice aims to “thin” painting both physically and conceptually. Park Hyunjeong applies the process of digitizing, processing, and transforming images in digital programs to painting, replicating the resulting digital images as analog paintings. This process highlights the differences between digital manipulation and analog painting. Lee Juri digitizes her past drawings, develops an image-generation program, and outputs the results in various formats. While these artists actively use digital tools and attributes, their works remain painterly within Krauss’s post-medium condition, as they are realized in a two-dimensional plane and originate from hand-drawn sources. However, in contrast to Krauss’s elitism, they reject the artist’s exclusive authority and share their production methods with others, thereby acquiring a new sense of democracy in painting and expanding its possibilities.

Citation status

* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.