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2010, Vol.19, No.5

Improvement of Marine Environmental Impact Assessment for Golf Course Projects in Southern Coastal Area of Korea
Gui-Young Kim , Dae-In Lee , 유준 and 2 other persons | 2010, 19(5) | pp.453~464 | number of Cited : 3
Water Quality Modeling of Youngju Dam Reservoir by HSPF, EFDC and WASP
Jae Chung Park , 최재훈 , Youngil Song and 2 other persons | 2010, 19(5) | pp.465~473 | number of Cited : 14
Evaluation and Design of Infiltration and Filtration BMP Facility
최지연 , 말라 , Soyoung Lee and 4 other persons | 2010, 19(5) | pp.475~481 | number of Cited : 7
The Effects of Technical Development, Market Expansion, Ecological Features, and Infirm Protective Policy on the Extinction of a Wild Life: A Case Study of Passenger Pigeons
송명규 | 2010, 19(5) | pp.483~495 | number of Cited : 0
Geochemical Behaviors and Environmental Changes of Bottom Sediments in Streams of Gwangju Metropolitan City
SHINSANGEUN , Kangho Oh | 2010, 19(5) | pp.497~510 | number of Cited : 0
Assesment of Hydraulic Influence by Tree Planting in River
권택훈 , 최승용 , Han Kun Yeun | 2010, 19(5) | pp.511~525 | number of Cited : 1