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Ecological Restoration and Environmental Impact Assessment for the Realization of the Central Theme, Preservation, Suggested in the National Anthem of Korea

  • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Abbr : J EIA
  • 2008, 17(1), pp.25-45
  • Publisher : Korean Society Of Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Research Area : Engineering > Environmental Engineering

KIM, EUN-SHIK 1 Hong, Sun-Kee 2




This review was made to discuss the issues of ecological restoration and environmentalimpact assessment (EIA) related to the preservation of natural environment, the central themeexpressed in the National Anthem of Korea. The authors notice that the key word or the centralphilosophy contained in the verses of the National Anthem of Korea is the preservation ofnational land and eternal identity for future generations, which is thought to be pursued throughthe attainment of ecological sustainability. A conceptual model for the sustainable managementof natural ecosystems was suggested for the efficient utilization and the preservation of them,whose activities should be promoted by those of conservation and restoration instead ofdestructive development and negligence, respectively. Here, the preservation of naturalenvironment can be directly pursued through the restoration of degraded ecosystems andlandscapes and the utilization of natural environment can be directly pursued through theconservation of natural resources and wise management of natural ecosystems and landscapes.After reviewing the major characteristics and activities of the restoration of degraded ecosystemsand landscapes, discussion was further extended to points for the promotion of the EIAactivities. To point out some of them, it is needed for the public to better understand the natureof sustainable management of natural environment, for the society to put extensive energy andresources in the restoration of degraded ecosystems and landscapes, and for the government to install higher levels of ministries than that of the Ministry of Environment in dealing with the issues related to the ‘preservation’ of national land, people, culture and the security of the sustainability for future generations, where EIA and strategic environment assessment (SEA) can directly contribute to the sustainability of the country and future generations.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.

This paper was written with support from the National Research Foundation of Korea.