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Improvement of the Marine Environmental Assessment for Dredging and Ocean Disposal of Coastal Sediment in Korea

  • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Abbr : J EIA
  • 2009, 18(3), pp.131-141
  • Publisher : Korean Society Of Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Research Area : Engineering > Environmental Engineering

Dae-In Lee 1 Dal-Soo Park 2 Eom ki-hyuk 1 Gui-Young Kim 1 Hyeonseo Cho 3 KIM JONG KYU 3 Seo, Young-Kyo 4 백근욱 5

2국립수산과학원 해역이용영향평가센터



We studied improvement in marine environmental impact assessment and related management systems of coastal sediments that are dredged inshore but disposed offshore. After reviewing and diagnosing the existing assessment procedures and problems, we recommend to design the core assessment items and improve the reliability of assessment by enhancing the quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) and verification processes. We proposed eco-friendly disposal plan for dredging sediment such as reuse system in land development was explored. A marine environmental database system was established to support the assessment processes. Guidelines for marine research and modelling were proposed for improving assessment of dredging and disposal of coastal sediment. Also, applying of screening and scoping for marine environmental assessment was reviewed.

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