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The evaluation of pollution level and release characteristics by inner productivity in the sediment of lake

  • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Abbr : J EIA
  • 2012, 21(1), pp.81~91
  • Publisher : Korean Society Of Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Research Area : Engineering > Environmental Engineering

이상은 1 최이송 1 Lee, Sang keun 2 이인호 2 Jong-Min Oh 1

2한국농어촌공사 농어촌연구원



In this study, it is grasped the status of nutrients through an investigation of release characteristics and physicochemical properties of sediments on reservoir. And then the effect of sediments is evaluated on the water quality in reservoir. In the results of physicochemical analysis, the pollution level of midstream is the highest, which shows the traits that the water is more deeper and takes place a deposition consistently. Then, the pollution level of upstream is higher than downstream’s because inflow has influence on the upstream directly. The downstream is located near tidal gate so that the soil particles can be moved easily and are difficult to be deposited due to the distribution of seawater by control of tidal gate. Therefore,the downstream is showed the lowest pollution level than the others. Also, the concentration of SOD(Sediment Oxygen Demand) in the upstream which is influenced on the effect of inflow is highest than the others. When it analyzes under anaerobic and aerobic condition to understand the release characteristic of sediment, it shows that the release rate is low or negative under the aerobic condition. Whereas the release rate is usually positive under the unaerobic condition relatively. According to these results, it is necessary to maintain the proper environmental factors of water body for decreasing the release rate of sediment. Because the release rate is changeable under the different condition of water body. Therefore, proper strategies are required for increasing the self-purification of water as well as keeping the aerobic condition of sediment and managing a sediment layer directly to control the inner-pollution by the sediment of reservoir.

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