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Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Reduction Potentials in a Electronic·Electrical components company using LEAP Model

박영수 1 조영혁 1 Kim, Tae-Oh 1




This study analyzed the energy demand, greenhouse gas emission and greenhouse gas reduction potential of Electronic·Electrical components company. The LEAP model targeting long term energy plan was used to establish the most efficient plan for the companies by examining the climate change policy of government and the countermeasures by companies. A scenario was created by having 11 greenhouse gases reduction plans to be introduced from 2011 as the basic plan. Regarding input data, energy consumption by business place and by use, number of employee from 2009 to 2012, land area and change in number of business places were utilized. The study result suggested that approximately 13,800 TJ of energy will be spent in 2020, which is more than 2 times of 2012 energy consumption. When the integrated scenario based on the reduction plan of companies would be enforced, approximately 3,000 TJ will be reduced in 2020. The emission of greenhouse gases until 2020 was forecasted as approximately 760,000 ton CO2eq. When the integrated scenario would be enforced, the emission will be approximately 610,000 ton CO2eq, which is decrease by approximately 150,000 ton CO2eq. This study will help the efficient responding of eElectronic·Electrical components company in preparing detail report on objective management system and enforcement plan. It will also contribute in their image as environment-friendly companies by properly responding to the regulation reinforcement of government and greenhouse gases emission target based on environment policy.

Citation status

* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.