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Application of IUCN Category Regarding the Designation of Overlapping Protected Areas

KIL SUNG hO 1 Lee, Dong Kun 1 Sung Hyun Chan 2 Lee Gwan Gye 3 KIM,HO GUL 1 구미현 1 MO YONG WON 1




The purpose of this study is to seek the application of IUCN categories of overlapping protectedareas which is legally designated in South Korea. Different government departments in South Koreahave managed and designated as protected areas. However, the protected areas due to differentmanagement agencies can be confused with restricting behaviors and supporting residents. The IUCN presents the reasonal standardization classifying the protected areas which could beapplied all over the world. Six categories issued by the IUCN could be applied to deal with theproblems of the overlapping protected areas. We suggested the application of the IUCN categoriescompared with legal frame in South Korea. Most areas are overlapped in designation, but the areasare important for ecology and landscape. Moreover, each protected areas in South Korea havezone districts. Comprehensively considered all these things, we made rationale matrix correlatedwith the IUCN categories and the zone districts of the protected areas in South Korea. For theresult of this study, this matrix could be helped to the application of the IUCN categories indomestic protected areas. Although the protected areas has been recognized as regulatory regions,it is expected to expand and sustain the areas based on the matrix.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.