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2004, Vol., No.13

Expression aesthetics and meaning of <SangsaBulgok>
ko, Soon-Hee | 2004, (13) | pp.5~26 | number of Cited : 5
A Study of the Literature of Hakpo Yang Paeng-son
Soonyoel Kwon | 2004, (13) | pp.27~49 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on the chinese poems in Unyoungjeon
Kim Kui-Suck | 2004, (13) | pp.51~74 | number of Cited : 5
A Study on the writer of Gong-hu-in
Kim,Seong-Ki | 2004, (13) | pp.75~94 | number of Cited : 6
A Study of Baeyul in Maecheon's Poeams
김영붕 | 2004, (13) | pp.95~123 | number of Cited : 12
A Study on Idea for Nature Reflected Jeong Cheol's literature
김진욱 | 2004, (13) | pp.125~146 | number of Cited : 3
A Study on the Changing Aspects of Ritual Sacrifice (Dangsanjae) in Jeon-nam Province
Lee,Hyun-Soo | 2004, (13) | pp.147~173 | number of Cited : 3
A Study of Baekun's poetry
Lim Jun Sung | 2004, (13) | pp.175~195 | number of Cited : 4
Common People Consciousness in Shin Jaehyo's Kasa
ByungHeon Chung | 2004, (13) | pp.197~224 | number of Cited : 4
A Study on the Danjangibyoelgok -based on the analysis of various voice of poetic speaker-
鄭麟淑 | 2004, (13) | pp.225~247 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on the Consciousness of Time in Hyangga
Yeonsuk Cho | 2004, (13) | pp.249~269 | number of Cited : 1
Reconsideration of a view of womanhood of 'a pure love' and 'a proud loneliness' appeared in the Gisaeng Sijo
Choi, Sangmin | 2004, (13) | pp.271~292 | number of Cited : 2
A Study of Ilyon's Literature on Song of Praise in Samguk Yusa
韓睿嫄 | 2004, (13) | pp.293~316 | number of Cited : 3
A Study on the Practical Ideas in Maecheon Hwang Hyeon's Poetry
黃秀貞 | 2004, (13) | pp.317~342 | number of Cited : 3