The present study surveyed university librarians’perceptions of barriers to research utilization using the Barrier Scales. Theresults shows that in mean Barriers Scale scores, characteristics of the organization had the highest, and then followed by th ecommunication, the research and the librarian. The most importa oinsufficient time to implement new ideas, inadequate facilities , and lack of authority to make changes and in thecommunication relating to lack of clarity of research implicati ons for practice, lack to demonstrate research’s relevance to practice,and lack of readability of research. Also, incomprehensible Eng s majorbarriers. The comparison with those of nursing was discussed. I n order to settle the barriers identified, librarians should be educatedto have ‘research literacy’and organazational merit and reward systems were reinforced for research utilization. Also, it needsto explore librarians’specific experiences of barriers in utili oth theresult of the quantitative and qualitative research, it needs t o develop and to assess a standard measurement for librarians’b arriersof research utilization in national and international context.