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2011, Vol.22, No.1

An Analysis on Revision of the Government Organization Act by the Roh Tae-woo administration
HA TAE SOO | 2011, 22(1) | pp.1~26 | number of Cited : 7
A Study on the Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Civil Service Education and Training, Focusing on the Participants' Perception on the Effectiveness of the KIPA's Conflict Mediation and Negotiation Program
Hyeon-Suk Lyu , Haeyoon Lee | 2011, 22(1) | pp.27~51 | number of Cited : 24
A Study on the Utilization of Job Analysis to Performance Evaluation: Focused on Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Case
Taejong Lee , park jong gwan | 2011, 22(1) | pp.53~77 | number of Cited : 2
Institutional Reform of Total Payroll Cost Systems for Central Administrative Agencies: Implications from the Analysis of Institutional Change
Minho LEE | 2011, 22(1) | pp.79~110 | number of Cited : 1
The Study of the Decentralization on the Authorities of Immigrant Policy in Korea: Focused on the Arrangement of Acts and Decentralization of Administrative Agencies to Local Governments
Yu Young-Chul | 2011, 22(1) | pp.111~140 | number of Cited : 5
사회연결망 분석을 이용한 중간지원 조직 분석: LH 초록사회위원회 지원사업을 중심으로
이미홍 , Jaehyun Kim , 장주연 | 2011, 22(1) | pp.141~178 | number of Cited : 22
The Study on Recent Core Institutes of Public Administration and Policy Research
Seo, Inseok , HA MIN JI | 2011, 22(1) | pp.179~207 | number of Cited : 7
Enhancing International Cooperation by NGOs: the Case of Korean NGOs in Cambodia
Chai, Wonho | 2011, 22(1) | pp.209~234 | number of Cited : 13