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The Association of Drifters from the Ming Dynasty in the Southern Areas of the Yangtze River in the Early Period of the Qing Dynasty: Focusing on the Gyeongeun Sisa or Gyeongeun Literary Club

YoungSoon Park 1




Most studies of drifters from the Ming Dynasty have been conducted in terms of political and historical aspects where fewer studies have examined their creative works in literary and cultural contexts. It makes sense to look at drifters from political and social perspectives. However, this approach may not provide full explanations of the ways they embraced the new world and the variety of feelings they went through. Despite their political activities and political struggles, it is necessary to explore the cultural activities and psychological changes of drifters. And examination of their cultural activities or work of writing can be one of the best ways to look into the deeper natures of drifters as they have special, social implications. Then, this raises some questions: activities and life they pursued through their association and literary works, and how to properly understand such works and implications in them. This is why the understanding of the drafters’ association requires the analysis of their outside activities as well as their literary works. In this regard, based on existing research findings, this paperintends to examine the developments of the association of drifters, who sought to maintain their identities as writers and the displaced. It discusses twocategories such as the features of drifters’ association during the Qing Dynasty and in the Southern Areas of the Yangtze River, and activities and literary work of the Gyeongeun Sisa. Understanding of the former is necessary to study the Gyeongeun Sisa, and the Southern Areas of the Yangtze River areplaces with special significance to drifters such as struggles, survival and escape. Thus, the Southern Areas of the Yangtze River in the early period of the Qing Dynasty, drifters’ association and the Gyeongeun Sisa are three key pillars with historical and humanistic implications.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.

This paper was written with support from the National Research Foundation of Korea.