title={A survey of primary English digital textbooks},
journal={Modern English Education},
AU - 박현아
TI - A survey of primary English digital textbooks
JO - Modern English Education
PY - 2008
VL - 9
IS - 3
PB - The Modern English Education Society
SP - 123
EP - 151
SN - 1598-0782
AB - The purpose of this study is to report on how digital english textbooks have
been actually used in elementary school. The study conducted the following
surveys. The digital english textbooks were evaluated according to three
criteria - contents, designing instruction, designing functions. Three schools
participated in the research. Teachers in those schools were interviewed
individually and students answered to the given questionnaires. The major
findings are as follows. The TPC (Tablet Personal Computer) was the main
media to operate the digital textbooks. However, it turned out that it was
difficult for users to run the various activities since it had lack of mobility.
Regarding the current digital english textbooks, they had several mistakes and
errors. Many teachers and students who were interviewed responded that to
use TPC freely in class, major improvements should be made: it should be
more convenient and easy to use. In addition, it needs to include more useful
functions such as LMS (Learning Management System). The mobility of TPC
is also another factor to be considered. Despite these several drawbacks, the
digital english textbooks have great potential to be good material if enough
contents are supplied to meet the various level or needs of students and well
equipped for the jobs which can reconstruct the contents in accordance with
the user's convenience.
KW - Digital English Textbooks/Materials development/디지털영어교과서/교재 개발
DO -
UR -
ER -
박현아. (2008). A survey of primary English digital textbooks. Modern English Education, 9(3), 123-151.
박현아. 2008, "A survey of primary English digital textbooks", Modern English Education, vol.9, no.3 pp.123-151.
박현아 "A survey of primary English digital textbooks" Modern English Education 9.3 pp.123-151 (2008) : 123.
박현아. A survey of primary English digital textbooks. 2008; 9(3), 123-151.
박현아. "A survey of primary English digital textbooks" Modern English Education 9, no.3 (2008) : 123-151.
박현아. A survey of primary English digital textbooks. Modern English Education, 9(3), 123-151.
박현아. A survey of primary English digital textbooks. Modern English Education. 2008; 9(3) 123-151.
박현아. A survey of primary English digital textbooks. 2008; 9(3), 123-151.
박현아. "A survey of primary English digital textbooks" Modern English Education 9, no.3 (2008) : 123-151.