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English Learners’ Perceived Preferences for Different Types of Achievement Communication Strategies

  • Modern English Education
  • Abbr : MEESO
  • 2010, 11(3), pp.22-39
  • Publisher : The Modern English Education Society
  • Research Area : Humanities > English Language and Literature > English Language Teaching

김은주 1




As the preliminary step for classroom instruction of communication strategies, this study explores communication strategies Korean English learners would prefer to use and how certain factors influence their preferences. In particular, the participants'preferences for achievement communication strategies are the interest of this study. It also considers whether proficiency and gender differences are related to the participants' communication strategy preferences. Survey questionnaires based on Paribakht's (1985) taxonomy of communication strategy were developed and distributed. 103 adult Korean English learners participated in the survey. Descriptive statistics showed that the participants preferred superordinate strategy most and the metalinguistic strategy least. The result also informed that while the preferences of the three communication strategies out of nine strategies were related to participants'proficiency level, there was no relationship between the communication strategy preference and gender. Implications of the findings are discussed in relation to classroom instruction and suggestions for future research are made.

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