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Chinese International Students’ Types of Acculturation, Acculturative Stress, and Adjustment to College

이예슬 1 Kim Eunha 2




The authors examined the extent to which Berry’s four types of acculturation(integration, assimilation, separation, and marginalization) would emerge from a cluster analysis within a sample of Chinese international students living in South Korea. In addition, the authors tested if there would be any significant differences among clusters in terms of acculturative stress and adjustment to college, and if subtypes of acculturative stress would influence adjustment to college. Chinese students (N=252) from Seoul participated in the survey. Cluster analysis revealed three clusters(identified as marginalization, integration, separation), but assimilation did not emerge. Compared to the marginalized or separated group, the integrated group lived in Korea for a shorter period of time and were less likely to be fluent in Korean. The integrated group reported a lowest level, the separated group a medium level, and the marginalized group a highest level of acculturative stress. In contrast, a highest level of adjustment to college was observed among the integrated group, followed by the separated and marginalized groups. Lastly, it was found that for the marginalized group, discrimination, homesickness, and hostility negatively influenced adjustment to college, while fear for the integrated group and discrimination for the separated group negatively influenced adjustment to college. The authors discussed the implications of these results for acculturation theory and program development.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.