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2020, Vol.17, No.3 All Issues

The Relationship Between Parent and Peer Attachment on SNS Addiction Proneness among Adolescents: The Mediating Effect of the Fear of Missing Out
Da-Jung Han , Bin-Na Kim | 2020, 17(3) | pp.243~261 | number of Cited : 13
How self-estimation bias in peer relationship relates to subjective well-being and to interpersonal behaviors: Testing the optimal margin hypothesis
LEE EUN JU , Yeom Hye Seon | 2020, 17(3) | pp.263~286 | number of Cited : 3
The Effect of Promoting Motivation through Effort-inducing Instructions and Positive Feedback on Task Performance
Eunjin Kwon , Tae Hoon Kim , YOON-HYOUNG LEE | 2020, 17(3) | pp.287~306 | number of Cited : 2
The Mediation Effects of Self-Concept Clarity and Perception of Emerging Adulthood in the Relationship between Perceived Parental Rearing Attitudes and Psychological Well-being of University students
Jang, HeeSoon | 2020, 17(3) | pp.307~332 | number of Cited : 11
The Relationship between Public Self-consciousness and Social Anxiety among College Students: The Mediating Effects of Fear of Negative and Positive Evaluation and Disqualification of Positive Social Outcomes
Min-Ju Kang , Jung-Soon Hong | 2020, 17(3) | pp.333~356 | number of Cited : 6
Development of Community Resources Linkage Capability Scale of Counselors
Seul-Ah Seong , Bae Seonghoon | 2020, 17(3) | pp.357~377 | number of Cited : 1
Characteristics of Academic Hatred Explained by Self-Determination Motivation: A Study of High School Seniors
Lee Minyoung , Sangeun Lee , Sang Min Lee | 2020, 17(3) | pp.379~399 | number of Cited : 10
Development and Validation of the Korean Implementation Fidelity Checklist of Tier 1 School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (KIFC-T1)
Dong Mi Nam , Eun JIn Chang , Sung-Doo Won and 2 other persons | 2020, 17(3) | pp.401~419 | number of Cited : 7