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2016, Vol.52, No.

A Study on the News Frame of Epidemic Diseases.
Park, Keon-Sook | 2016, 52 | pp.1~29 | number of Cited : 6
Plurality and Pragmatic Meaning of Plural Expressions in Korean.
Jeong, Sang Hee | 2016, 52 | pp.31~59 | number of Cited : 5
Grammaticality and Pragmatics of Interrogative Ending In Spoken Language: Through Analysis of Intonation in Women’s Spontaneous Speech.
Jo Min-ha | 2016, 52 | pp.61~85 | number of Cited : 8
On the habitual aspect in Korean.
Kim, Cheon-Hak | 2016, 52 | pp.87~109 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on Types of Defining Sentences in Science Text.
Kilim Nam | 2016, 52 | pp.111~138 | number of Cited : 7
The Meaning of Adverb (Focus on Lexicon).
NamIk Son | 2016, 52 | pp.139~161 | number of Cited : 12
The Study of asymmetric use based on adverbs frquently used in spoken corpus.
MinJeong Jo | 2016, 52 | pp.163~195 | number of Cited : 4
The Study on the Meaning-relation Distance among the Korean Emphasizing Adverbs using 2-mode Network Analysis.
Jung, Sunghoon | 2016, 52 | pp.197~222 | number of Cited : 6
The Issues on Studies of Korean Adverbs - Perspective on Discourse and pragmatics.
Song Hwa Han | 2016, 52 | pp.223~250 | number of Cited : 11
A Research for the Usage of ‘Wanjeon’ when it is used as an Intensifier in Spoken Korean –Focused on the Spoken language and Internet language-.
Ye YingLin , Yang, Myunghee | 2016, 52 | pp.251~269 | number of Cited : 9