The purpose of this study is to look at the status of the prosody studies in the interactive data and to examine the dialog analysis studies conducted on the same subject to see how the two fields of research can be mutually complementary. For this purpose, I looked at the interface between the field of conversation analysis and phonetics research and examined how the two fields can conduct research complementary to each other through the relevant previous studies. Included in the analysis were a range of grammatical forms and discourse markers, e.g., -nuntey, -cianha, -geodeun. Based on this, I proposed some contents about the future tasks of conversation analysis studies considering the characteristics of speech language. First of all, to look at the functions of grammatical forms and prosodic features based on conversational data, the construction of dialogue corpus must be made. And it should include video and voice data, including nonverbal information such as speakers’ facial expressions, attitudes and gestures, as well as multimodal corpus. In addition, research subjects will have to be expanded more widely. For example, from the perspective of the conversation analysis, it would be necessary to look at the aspects of the prosodic elements that appear in turn-taking, adjacent pairs, sequence organization, and revision organization. Finally, it is necessary for researchers of conversation analysis and phonology, syntax, and semantics to share the subject of each other’s research.