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A Study on the Grammaticalized Processes of the Reputation Construction of the Same Ending in Korean

  • Korean Semantics
  • 2020, 70(), pp.51-68
  • DOI : 10.19033/sks.2020.12.70.51
  • Publisher : The Society Of Korean Semantics
  • Research Area : Humanities > Korean Language and Literature
  • Received : August 20, 2020
  • Accepted : December 17, 2020
  • Published : December 30, 2020

Lee Keumhee 1




This paper is a study of grammaticalization in the same ending repetition compositions. This Reputation Construction of the Same Ending in Korean is basically a coordination construction. This has two items of the preceding and the latter. However, Some of the latter items change their syntactic and semantic characteristics, and so add a special meaning to the preceding items. The meaning is the speaker’s negative emotions about the proposition. In other words, it represents emotional modality in the modality category. Examples of these are ‘-go jasigo(-고 자시고), -go eojjeogo(-고 어쩌고), -go malgo(-고 말고), -go mwogo(-고 뭐고), -na mana(-나 마나), -dana mworana(-다나 뭐라나) and -ne jjeone(-네 어쩌네) etc. The latter items of these compositions can be combined with various forms as the syntactic characteistics they originally had disappear.

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