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인문논총은 종합 인문학 학술지를 지향한다. 문사철을 비롯한 전통적인 인문학에 더해 학제간 융합 연구, 디지털 인문학 등 인문학의 새로운 방향을 제시하는 주제를 포괄한다.

Editor-in-Chief more

Jang, Moon Seok

(Seoul National University)

Citation Index more

  • KCI IF(2yr) : 0.89
  • KCI IF(5yr) : 0.75
  • Centrality Index(3yr) : 0.0
  • Immediacy Index : 0.15

Current Issue : 2024, Vol.81, No.2 more

Concubines and the Daughters of Concubines in the Joseon Dynasty - Institutions, Discourse, and Self-Perception
Lee Sookin | 2024, 81(2) | pp.7~41 | number of Cited : 0
Family Member or Maidservant? Adopted Daughters-in-Law in Modern China
Sunglim Chun | 2024, 81(2) | pp.43~78 | number of Cited : 0
The Tumultuous Era of Modern Japan and Experiences of Women through the Lens of a Daughter of a Concubine
Yi, Hye Gyung | 2024, 81(2) | pp.79~109 | number of Cited : 0

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