Alistair Thomson
/ 1999
/ Moving Stories: Oral History and Migration Studies
/ Oral History
: 24~37
Allen Lynch
/ 2002
/ Woodrow Wilson and the Principle of ‘National Self-Determination’: A Reconsideration
/ Review of International Studies
: 419~436
Aurelie Hagstrom
/ 2003
/ The Catholic Church and Censorship in Literature, Books, Drama, and Film
/ Analytic Teaching
: 147~151
Bret Boyce
/ 2008
/ Obscenity and Community Standards
/ Yale Journal of International Law
: 337~338
Christine Kim
/ 2017
/ The Comfort Women System: Sexual Slavery during World War II
/ Master’s
/ DePauw University
Clare McGlynn
/ 2014
/ Would John Stuart Mill Have Regulated Pornography?
/ Journal of Law and Society
: 500~522
Dan Greenberg
/ 1993
/ The New Legal Puritanism of Catharine Mac Kinnon
/ Ohio State Law Journal
: 1378~
Debra K. Braun-Courville
/ 2009
/ Exposure to Sexually Explicit Web Sites and Adolescent Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors
/ Journal of Adolescent Health
: 152~162
Edward O. Correia
/ 1992
/ A Legislative Conception of Legislative Supremacy
/ Case Western Reserve Law Review
: 1139~
Douglas M. Fraleigh
/ 2010
/ Freedom of Expression in the Marketplace of Ideas
/ Sage
: 169~
Erik Jones
/ 2017
/ Democracy without Solidarity: Political Dysfunction in Hard Times
/ Government and Opposition
: 4~
Frederick Schauer
/ 2007
/ Has precedent ever really mattered in the Supreme Court
/ Georgia State University Law Review
: 381~395
Geoffrey R. Stone
/ 2007
/ Origins of Obscenity
/ New York University Review of Law & Social Change
: 711~713
Gerald Gunther
/ 1992
/ Individual Rights in Constitutional Law
/ The Foundation Press, Inc
: 744~
Grace Pretty
/ 2006
/ Psychological Sense of Community and its Relevance to Well-being and Everyday Life in Australia
/ The Australian Psychological Society
: 12~14
Gretchen Brooke Gould
/ 2010
/ Obscenity and Pornography: Author Historical Look at the American Library Association, the Commission on Obscenity and Pornography, and the Supreme Court
/ Master’s
/ University of Northern Iowa
Harold Gardiner, S.J.
/ 1955
/ Moral Principles Towards a Definition of the Obscene
/ Law and Contemporary Problems
: 560~571
Irene M. Ten Cate
/ 2013
/ Speech, Truth, and Freedom: An Examination of John Stuart Mill's and Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes's Free Speech Defenses
/ Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities
: 35~81
Joachim Klose
/ 2009
/ Recasting Reality
/ Springer
: 8~15
Joe S. Cecil
/ 1993
/ Court-AppointedExperts:DefiningtheRoleofExperts AppointedUnderFederalRuleofEvidence706
/ Federal Judicial Center
: 3~95
Joseph O' Meara
/ 1964
/ Obscenity in the Supreme Court: A Note on Jacobellis v. Ohio
/ Notre Dame Law
: 1~12
John H. Laub
/ 2005
/ Historical influences on lives and aging
: 208~228
Kellie A. Cairns
/ 2008
/ Morse v. Frederick: Evaluating a Supreme Hit to Students' First Amendment Rights
/ Pace Law Review
: 154~155
Laura E. Little
/ 2011
/ Just a Joke: Defamatory Humor and Incongruity's Promise
/ Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal
: 118~156
Lynda Nead
/ 1990
/ The Female Nude: Pornography, Art, and Sexuality
/ Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society
: 321~
Marcella Tambuscio
/ 2015
/ Fact-Checking Effect on Viral Hoaxes: A Model of Misinformation Spread in Social Networks
/ Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web, ACM
: 977~982
Marvin Ammori
/ 2009
/ Beyond Content Neutrality: Understanding Content-Based Promotion of Democratic Speech
/ Fedral Communication Law Journal
: 284~
Michael Kent Curtis
/ 2000
/ Struggles for Freedom of Expression in American History
/ Duke University Press
Natalia Dziewięcka
/ 2017
/ Larry Flynt as a Controversial Advocate for Freedom of Speech in The People vs. Larry Flynt
/ New Horizons in English Studies
Patrick Devlin
/ 1965
/ The Enforcement of Morals
/ Oxford University Press
: 1~139
Robert C. Post
/ 1988
/ Cultural Heterogeneity and Law: Pornography, Blasphemy, and the First Amendment
/ California Law Review
: 297~335
Steven G. Gey
/ 1994
/ Is Moral Relativism a Constitutional Command?
/ Indiana Law Journal
: 331~404
Steven M. Fish
/ 2004
/ Does Diversity Hurt Democracy?
/ Journal of Democracy
: 154~166
William N. Eskridge Jr
/ 1997
/ Democracy, Kulturkampf, and the Apartheid of the Closet
/ Vanderbilt Law Review
: 419~448
Raphael Cohen-Almagor
/ 2016
/ Hate and Racist Speech in the United States, A Critique
/ Philosophy and Public Issues
: 81~
Robert F. Flinn
/ 1971
/ The National Security Exception to the Doctrine of Prior Restraint
/ William & Mary Law Review
: 219~
Robert L. Maddex
/ 2006
/ Encyclopedia of Sexual Behavior and the Law
/ CQ Press
: 152~153
Robert S. Tanenbaum
/ 2006
/ Preaching terror: free speech or wartime incitement
/ Am. U.L. Review
: 799~800
Rodney A. Smolla
/ 1988
/ Emotional Distress and the First Amendment: An Analysis of Hustler v. Falwell
/ Ariz. St. LJ
: 465~467
Roger Cotterrell
/ 1997
/ Law's Community: Legal Theory in Sociological Perspective
/ Oxford University Press
: 19~
Stanley Ingber
/ 1984
/ The Marketplace of Ideas: A legitimizing Myth
/ Duke Law Journal
: 22~
Steven G. Gey
/ 1996
/ The Case Against Postmodern Censorship Theory
/ University of Pennsylvania Law Review
: 196~254
Theodore Schroeder
/ 1976
/ Literature, Obscenity, & Law
/ Southern Illinois University Press
: 157~
Toni M. Massaro
/ 1991
/ Equality and Freedom of Expression: The Hate Speech Dilemma
/ William & Mary Law Review
: 221~
Weston Labarre
/ 1955
/ Obscenity: An Anthropological Appraisal
/ Law and Contemporary Problems
: 536~537
Haesook Han
/ 2004
/ Women’s Life during the Chosŏn Dynasty
/ International Journal of Korean History
: 121~
Joongtak Sung
/ 2014
/ The Relationship of Constitutional Transition (change of constitutional values) and the Constitutional Court
/ Lawyer
: 76~77
Juyun Park
/ 2017
/ Silent Women’s Rights Group on Exhibition on the Nude of the President by Changwon Pyo in Question?
/ FutureKorea (2017b), 24 January 2017
Seunguk Baek
/ 2007
/ The Politics of Chinese Workers' Memory-Focusing on Memory in Cultural Revolution Period
/ Politeia
: 18~19
/ 1994
/ 憲法體系論에 관한 연구 : 통치구조를 중심으로
/ 박사
/ 慶熙大學校 大學院
Young Huh
/ 2010
/ The Theory of the Constitutional Law of Republic of Korea
/ Pakyoungsa
: 56~
Yuha Park
/ 2013
/ Comfort Women of the Empire: Colonial Domination and the Struggle of Memory
/ Roots and Yipari
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/ Ginsberg v. NewYork, 88S.Ct. 1274,390 U.S.629 (1968), 1278–1279
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/ Jenkinsv.Georgia,418U.S.153,27(1974)
/ Jacobellis v. Ohio, 378 U. S. 184 (1964)
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/ Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S.47 (1919):48–52
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