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2015, Vol.4, No.2

Development of the G-STEAM Program and Its Application with the Application of Project Based Learning: Focusing on ‘Green City Project'
Du Hyun Lee | 2015, 4(2) | pp.169~186 | number of Cited : 6
Development and Application of Coteaching Model in Geography Education
CHUN, BO AE | 2015, 4(2) | pp.187~200 | number of Cited : 3
Study on the Origin of Geographical Name ‘Gozan’
Cho Sung Wook | 2015, 4(2) | pp.201~216 | number of Cited : 0
Comparison of MIS 5e Marine Terraces between the Eastern Coast of Korea and Ajigasawa Coast of the Western Tsugaru Area of Northeastern Japan
Seong-Gil Choi , Naoto Koiwa | 2015, 4(2) | pp.217~229 | number of Cited : 1
An Applications of Remote Sensing Data for the Land Surface Characteristics Analysis of Ecological Stream Restoration Area in Daejeon Stream
김재엽 , JANG DONG HO | 2015, 4(2) | pp.231~240 | number of Cited : 5
Morphology of Shore Platforms and Sea Cliffs Controlled by Rock Strength and Tidal Range
이수용 , Choi, Kwang Hee | 2015, 4(2) | pp.241~250 | number of Cited : 5
A Study on the Complementary Effect of the Bamboo Forest on the Taehwa Riverside
woo chan hee | 2015, 4(2) | pp.251~263 | number of Cited : 4
Critical Review on Urban Structure Model of Latin America and Its Implication of Geography Education in High School
KIM HAN SEUNG , Shin, Jungyeop | 2015, 4(2) | pp.265~277 | number of Cited : 6
A Study on Renewal of the Area around the Old Jeollabuk-do Hall in Jeonju Urban Core: Concentrated on the Reuse of the Old Jeollabuk-do Hall
Kim Junyoung | 2015, 4(2) | pp.279~291 | number of Cited : 6
The Imagination of Neoliberal Development and Postdevelopment: Focusing on the Sharing Economy
Lee Yong Gyun | 2015, 4(2) | pp.293~306 | number of Cited : 9
Concept, Types, and Prospects of Tax Havens in Europe
Ryu Ju-Hyun | 2015, 4(2) | pp.307~317 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on the Core Competencies of the Rural Village Leader
Jun-Sang Yoon , 김소윤 , Kim Sung Rok | 2015, 4(2) | pp.319~327 | number of Cited : 15
Comparing Univariate Spatial Association Statistics (I): Focusing on Global Lee’s S Statistics
LEE, SANG-IL , Cho, Daeheon , Minpa Lee | 2015, 4(2) | pp.329~345 | number of Cited : 13