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2018, Vol.7, No.1

Geography Education in Island Elementary Schools Using Entry-level Drones: An Example of Environmental Experience Learning
Kwang Hee Choi | 2018, 7(1) | pp.1~14 | number of Cited : 17
Overseas Korean Students’ Understanding of Tianjin, China: A Case Study of the Korean International School in Tianjin
Yang-Yi Chang | 2018, 7(1) | pp.15~28 | number of Cited : 4
Spatio-temporal Patterns and Long-term Trends of Apparent Temperature in Jeju Island, Korea
Gwangyong Choi | 2018, 7(1) | pp.29~41 | number of Cited : 6
Analysis on Rainfall Spatial Distribution and Rainfall Energy in a Large Rainfall Simulator with Fixed Nozzle Arrangement
Hun Choi , Chanjoo LEE , Kim Jin Kwan | 2018, 7(1) | pp.43~53 | number of Cited : 0
Discussion on the Characteristics and Formation Age of the Reddish-yellow Semi-consolidation Deposits, West Coast of Korea: Comparison with the Ujeon Coast Deposits in Jeungdo
Oh, Jeong-Sik | 2018, 7(1) | pp.55~68 | number of Cited : 4
Contradictions of Neoliberalizing Nature: Water Privatization, Forest-Carbon Trading and Fishery Quota as Examples
KWON SANG CHEOL | 2018, 7(1) | pp.69~84 | number of Cited : 4
Understanding the Societal Embeddedness of Transnational Corporations: From the Business Systems Perspective
Jae-Youl Lee , Park Kyonghwan | 2018, 7(1) | pp.85~96 | number of Cited : 7
The Effects of Air Force Regulation on the Housing Market Price: The Case of Apartments in the City of Seongnam
Haeseok Lee , Kim, Youngho | 2018, 7(1) | pp.97~113 | number of Cited : 1
Applicability Study on Developing 1:5,000 Environmental Conservation Value Assessment Map (ECVAM) Using Precise Forest Type Map
Yu hoon Kim , Jaeyong Choi , Jeong ho Yoon and 2 other persons | 2018, 7(1) | pp.115~128 | number of Cited : 6