There are some confusions with terminologies referring to borrowing words from Chinese in the Japanese language study. The words like Kango, Jiongo, kanjigo are the cases in point. These words each have different usages. Then, theses usages should be distinguished from one another. First, because Jiongo(kango) is contrasted with Wago and Gairaigo, from of words should be the criteria for use of the word(Jiongo or Kango). Namely, whether a word was made out of borrowing pronunciation of Chinese should be the criteria for use of the word(Jiongo or Kango). Second, Kanjigo refers to the word that marks the Japanese by means of Chinese character.While Jiongo is based on the pronuncation of Chinese, Kanjigo is based on Chinese character. The former borrows the pronunciation of Chinese, the latter does the character of Chinese. Therefore, Kanjigo can belong to Jiongo(Kango), Wago or Gairaigo. That is to say, Jiongo(Kango) is a matter of the types of words, while Kanjigo is a matter of making the character.