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Review Process

[Review Process]

1. Reviewers of a manuscript shall carry out review of submitted manuscripts based on the following criteria.

    - Appropriateness and originality of the research problem

    - Quality of the research result

    - Clearly stated sentences

    - Accuracy of the research

    - Validity of the research method

    - Academic contribution

2. The reviewers shall submit their general review opinion using the form ‘Manuscript Examination Form’.

3. The review opinions of the respective reviewers shall be cumulated. If there is disagreement among the reviewers’ opinions, then the Committee shall decide whether or not to accept the paper based on the following table.

Reviewer 1

Reviewer 2

Reviewer 3

General Opinion







Accept with revision





Accept with revision


Accept with revision

Accept with revision

Accept with revision

Accept with revision

Accept with revision

Accept with revision

Accept with revision


Accept with revision


Accept with revision

Accept with revision

Accept with revision


Accept with revision





Accept with revision









4. Meetings of the Committee shall be presided by the Committee chair. Offline meetings may be conducted in writing or online instead.

5. The contributor shall be notified of the review result within one week of completion of review, either through the website or by e-mail.

6. The Committee chair may, based on the results of review, require that the contributor amend the paper. The contributor shall, upon receiving notice of acceptance with revisions, submit a revised article by the designated date.

7. The Committee may refuse review of a manuscript which is violating the Publishing Regulations, Manuscript Submission Regulations and Research Ethics Regulations’ of the institute.

8. A manuscript which has been submitted to the ‘=”Journal of Studies on Schools and Teaching,” but has been “rejected,” for publication may be re-submitted after revision according to the review result.

9. Upon referral of a submitted manuscript for examination, said manuscript shall be checked for plagiarism. If a manuscript is found to have a similarity rate of 15% or higher, then the Committee shall perform final review so as to determine whether to accept the manuscript for publishing.


10. (Challenging review results)

 In case where the contributor of an article wishes to challenge the result of review and a decision to reject for publication, the contributor may request that the Committee re-review the article.

 In case where the Committee chair determines that the challenge is justified, the chair shall appoint reviewers other than the existing reviewers to carry out re-review of the article. The results of such re-review may not be challenged. Here, no review fees shall be incurred for re-review.


11. (General Regulations on Operation)

 In accordance with the management standards for serial publications assigned an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), when an issue whose publication has been finalized is issued online or offline, the publication data for the issue in question shall be renewed, and additional digits to the ISSN shall be assigned. Alongside publication of the issue online and offline, a specimen copy shall be deposited with the National Library of Korea.

 No off-print of the journal shall be provided; the final edited PDF file will be provided instead.

 Submissions not made in accordance with the operational schedule of the journal shall not be reviewed, and urgent review with a shortened review period shall not be performed. If a manuscript is not ready for publication by the final review and editing deadline of a given issue due to re-review or inadequate editing, etc., then the manuscript shall be carried over to the next issue.

12. (Summary of review procedure)


Issuance / dispatch of author guidelines

       1. Submission

Submission of manuscripts by e-mail


1) Original manuscript (authors deleted) 1 copy      

2) Manuscript Submission Application Form (general form) 1 copy

3) Detailed Academic Paper Similarity Check Report 1 copy

4) Author’s Checklist 1 copy

       2. Review

Preliminary review review of appropriateness of subject matter

       3. Review

Secondary review / Expert review

       4. Revision

Revision of paper / Proofreading by native speaker

       5. Final review

Third review / Deliberation by Editorial Committee

       6. Publication

Publication in academic journal:

Cheongju National University of Education Educational Research Institute

Inquiries 043-299-0696
