Journal of Studies on Schools and Teaching 2023 KCI Impact Factor : 1.77
pISSN : 2508-156X / eISSN : 3022-8077
pISSN : 2508-156X / eISSN : 3022-8077
Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing
1. (Editorial Committee)
The journal shall have an editorial committee (hereinafter referred to as “the Committee”) to carry out editing and publication affairs for the journal.
① The Committee shall be made up of no more than 10 members, including a chair.
② The chair shall be an expert in the academic field in question and an assistant professor at the university or equivalent, and shall be appointed by the director of the institute by recommendation of professors at and outside the school.
③ Members of the Committee shall serve a term of two years, and they may serve consecutive terms.
④ The Committee shall be charged with deliberation on all matters relating to the publication of the ”Journal of Studies on Schools and Teaching,” including publication, acceptance of manuscripts, review, and editing.
2. (Editing of the Journal)
① Unpublished research papers on schools and teaching shall be primarily published in the journal. However, papers that are already published and acknowledged by the Committee as meriting publication in the journal may also be published.
② The Committee may perform proofreading for editorial purposes of the journal.
③ The order in which papers are published in the journal shall be determined by the Committee.
3. (Frequency and Dates of Publication)
① By principle, the journal shall be published twice annually.
② In case of publishing twice annually, the publication dates shall be, by principle, August 31 and February 28.
4. (Acceptance of Manuscripts)
① Manuscripts should be submitted 60 days prior to the planned publication date. As a principle, manuscripts that have been reviewed and confirmed for publication are accepted 30 days before the publication date of each issue. However, this period can be adjusted at the discretion of the committee. Submitted manuscripts will not be returned.
② Submitted manuscripts shall be reviewed by members of the Committee for compatibility with the journal, and an expert in the field in question shall be appointed as reviewer. A reviewer shall be a person holding a doctorate degree in the academic area of the submitted manuscript, or having at least 5 years’ research experience in the field in question.
③ Three reviewers shall be appointed for each manuscript received. One reviewer may examine more than one manuscript at a time.